Name |
Robert Beasley |
Birth |
Lancashire, England |
Gender |
Male |
Death |
Perquimans, Albemarle, North Carolina |
Person ID |
I11156 |
tng Genealogy |
Event Map |
![Link to Google Maps](google_marker.php?image=006.png&text=1) | Birth - - Lancashire, England |
![Link to Google Earth](img/earth.gif) |
Notes |
- A general note regarding the formation of North Carolina Counties: In 1671 Albermarle County was divided into Carteret, Berkeley and Shaftsbury Precincts. in 1681, Carteret Precinct was divided into Currituck and Pasquotank; Berkely was Renamed Perquimans; and Shaftsbury was renamed Chowan. in 1739, all the precincts became counties. Bertie, Chowan, Currituck and Pasquotank in 1729 Washington County was formed from Tyrrell in 1799
Robert Beasley was witness to the marriage of John Belman and Sarah Wilson at a Quaker Meeting at the house of Jona Phelps, August 19, 1687. Also a Witness was Johnanna Jenkins, A future spouse ( William Wade Hinshaw Encyciopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1 North Carolina (Baltimore; Genealogy Publishing Co. 1978, N page)
Deed Book A, Register of Deed, Perquimans County, Hertford N.C. No 50 David Blake of Perq. River, Mar 5, 1687 Test' Peter gray Stephen Mannering. no.55. October 5, 5 1690. James Johnson & Rachel his Wife, to Robert Beasley, Land . Test' Charle Macdaniel' Samuael Nicholson. sen'r
Robert Beasley recorded his Mark with the Perquimans Precinct court, the first Monday in Februrary 1688, Along with John Gosby, Margaret Rogerrs Jonna Jenkins, Robert Wilson. David Sherwood, James Smith. Issack Wilson, and Esau Albertson (J.R.B. Hathaway, Ed, North Carolina Historical and Genealogical Register, 1001 reprint, vol.3,(Baltimore: Genealogical publishing co.) 1979 p. 42
February 7,1693 Court, Perquimans Precinct. This may ceryify all whom it may concerne yt. Robert Beasley has proved six Rights whose names are upon record in in ye. County Records & are heundr. incerted Robert Beasley, Sarah Beasley, Rich. Chestone.James Beasley entered the 7th of Febr. 1693( Weynette Parts Haun, old Albemarle County North Carolina Book of Warrents and Syrveys, 1861-1706(Durham, N.C.)p.8.
May 1693 Court, Perquimans Precinct. Robert Beasley was paid for "foure dayes attendance and six dayes goeing and coming" to count. Johanne Beasley (Second Wife) was paid for one day (Williams B. Saunders, Ed., Colonial Records of North Caroline , Vol. 1( Raleigh: P.M. Hale, Printer to the State 1886), p.386.)
Robert Beasley was granted two patents for land in Perquimans Precint May 1, 1694 ( patent book one p. 307) for land in Perquimans Precint: May 1 1694 ( pattent book one, p.307) for282 acres on Perquimans River Joining Peter Gray; and June 1, 1694 (Patent Book one, p. 16) for 218 acers, joining James Loadman, the sd. Beasley, Williams Bogue, RichardCheston and Peter gray.( Mrs. Watson Winslow, History of Perquimans County, North Caroline, (baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. reprint 1974),p324)
Sarah Beasley is Mentioned in the will of James Lodman (Loadman) executed November 14, 1694.Probated April 8, 1695. The Loadman plantation joined the Basly (Beasley) Land, which he Left to William Booge (bogue) ( Steppen E Bradley, comp. Early Records of North Carolina, Vol. III, Wills, 1663-1722(keysville,V.A. 1994)p.56
The Last Will and Tesament of Richard Naylor, dated 13 April 1696 and Probated 30 Sep 1697 Mentions cattle in possession of Robert Beazley of Poquomins in Albermarle Col"( William B. Saunders, Ed. Colonial Records of North Carolina, Vol. 1 ( Baltimore: Genealogy Publishing Co. reprint, 1979) pp. 141-42
Mary Beasley, presented an account of Robert Beasley" estate one- third to widow, two-thirds to children. Diivision to be made by last of March 1695 (J.R.b. Hathaway, Ed, Abstract of records compiled from the clerk of the superior court, Chowan County, North Carolina Historical and genealogical Register, vol. no, 1 (Baltimore;Genealogy publishing co. reprint,19790 pp. 141-42)