1905 - 1977 (72 years)
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Loading... William Angus Wilkes family
This is the Wilkes home that was located in Robeson on land now in Hoke County on Old Wire Road. From left to right, Mary L. Wilkes, Wilma Wilkes, Minnie Sumner Wilkes, Eunice Wilkes, William Angus Wilkes. The home also belonged to William Angus' parents, Mary and Angus John Wilkes. Angus John Wilkes served in Co. D 51st NC Regiment, CSA. He died while on leave from the war in 1865. This house may have also been the home of Elias and Sarah Hughes Wilkes, grandparents of William Angus Wilkes. I am still trying to locate the site of the old Wilkes family Cemetery that was located nearby. Mary Raye
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